
A Taste Of Childhood: Homemade Rhubarb And Custard Ice Cream Recipe

Relive the nostalgia with our Homemade Rhubarb and Custard Ice Cream Recipe. Creamy custard infused with tangy rhubarb, a taste of childhood in every scoop!

Rhubarb and Custard, what a delicious flavour combination! Sweet and tart, it’s a taste that evokes fond memories of childhood and the simple joys of indulging in classic sweets.

In this article, we’ll take a trip down memory lane, exploring the nostalgia surrounding these much-loved treats and considering the unique flavour profile that makes Rhubarb and Custard so unforgettable. And of course, we will show you how to recreate this delicious Homemade Rhubarb and Custard Ice Cream Recipe with our step-by-step guide.

If you’d prefer to go straight to the recipe and method, please click the following link, or read along to learn more.

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A Taste of Nostalgia: Rhubarb and Custard

When I was a kid we would go to our local shop and at the back, there was a wall filled with large bottles, which were filled with a huge assortment of sweets. You know the type of sweetie wall I’m talking about right?

We would order a quarter of our favourite sweeties (is that showing my age?) It’s hard to say which ones were my favourites, as there were so many that I enjoyed.

The white bonbons, that were covered in icing sugar, had a hard shell and then a caramel, toffee centre. Then there were Tom Thumb drops or pips, a fruity assortment of drop-like sweeties. Then there were pineapple drops or cola cubes, sherbet lemons, pear drops… Gosh, the list could go on. I had so many favourites, it’s hard to pick just one.Homemade Rhubarb And Custard Ice Cream Recipe image 3 several rhubarb and custard sweets on white background frosted fusions

My Mum, however, had one favourite – Rhubard and Custard – a hard-boiled type sweet that was smooth and dusted with sugar, the tartness of the rhubarb and the sweetness of the custard would be a burst of flavour in your mouth. It’s rare to see these sweets in the shops these days, but if I ever find any I’ll always pick some up for my Mum.

While at a farmers market, I picked up some fresh Rhubarb this weekend, first spring batches are coming through and I thought it was about time I tried to replicate that flavour for my Mum.

The Rhubarb element, I think I’ve mastered that, my Homemade Rhubarb Ice Cream is pretty darn good, it has to be said, lol, with the Rhubarb flavours proudly coming through. But that custard element? How will I be able to introduce that flavour profile into rhubarb ice cream?

Perfecting the Custard: Balancing Flavours in Homemade Rhubarb and Custard Ice Cream

Homemade Rhubarb And Custard Ice Cream Recipe image 1 original tin of birds custard powder frosted fusionsRemember that classic Birds Custard from back in the day? I remember prying open those tins with the end of a spoon, and the powder always surprised me – pink at first, then instantly turning yellow when mixed with liquid. But here’s the thing: when I tried making custard with it recently, it was bland, I didn’t get any of that familiar custard taste at all. It was just a yellow, thick milky mixture. Not as I remembered and quite disappointing. So, the only other option was to make my own custard with egg yolks and vanilla bean seeds (can’t beat a Mary Berry recipe). And let me tell you, it tasted like the real deal, proper vanilla prominent custard. Perfect.

I added this homemade custard to my rhubarb ice cream, but something wasn’t quite right. The rhubarb flavour was overpowering, and the custard got lost in the mix.

That’s when I realised I needed to tweak the recipe. More custard to rhubarb ratio, with rhubarb swirls throughout giving the creamy custard flavour with a burst of tart rhubarb, the perfect balance of flavours. After a bit of trial and error, I got there! The texture was spot on, and every bite brought back memories of those sweet childhood treats.

The All Important Taste Test – Mum’s Approval…

The taste test – well, Mum loves my Rhubarb Ice Cream, and she’ll devour a tub of that pretty easily, Now I’ve dabbled with this new flavour combination, I’ll need to see if Mum gives it the thumbs up or lick of approval. I think I’ll do a few more tubs, tweak it and once I get it perfected, I’ll try it out on Mum and report back with her verdict!

Homemade Rhubarb And Custard Ice Cream Recipe

So after all my endeavours and experimenting, let me now share our recipe and method for making a deliciously nostalgic Rhubarb and Custard Ice Cream.



  • 500g fresh rhubarb, trimmed and chopped
  • 150g caster sugar
  • 300ml double cream
  • 300ml whole milk
  • 4 large egg yolks
  • 1 vanilla pod, split lengthways and seeds scraped out

For the Rhubarb Swirl:

  • 100g caster sugar
  • Juice of 1 lemon


  • Preheat your oven to 180°C (160°C fan) or Gas Mark 4.
  • Place the chopped rhubarb in a baking dish and sprinkle with 50g of caster sugar. Drizzle the lemon juice over the rhubarb. Roast in the preheated oven for about 20-25 minutes, or until the rhubarb is soft and tender. Remove from the oven and allow to cool. ** See note below.
  • While the rhubarb is cooling, prepare the custard base. In a saucepan, heat the double cream, whole milk, and the seeds from the vanilla pod until just simmering. Remove from the heat.
  • In a mixing bowl, whisk the egg yolks with the remaining caster sugar until pale and creamy.
  • Slowly pour the hot cream mixture into the egg yolks, whisking constantly to prevent curdling.
  • Return the custard mixture to the saucepan and cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until the custard thickens and coats the back of a spoon. This should take about 8-10 minutes. Be careful not to let the custard boil.
  • Once the custard is ready, strain it through a fine sieve into a clean bowl to remove any lumps. Allow the custard to cool completely.
  • While the custard is cooling, prepare the rhubarb swirl. In a saucepan, combine the roasted rhubarb with 100g of caster sugar. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the rhubarb breaks down into a thick sauce. Remove from heat and allow to cool.
  • Once both the custard and rhubarb swirl are cooled, pour the custard into an ice cream maker and churn according to the manufacturer’s instructions until it reaches a soft-serve consistency.
    • NB: If you don’t own an ice cream maker, you can still make this recipe, you simply pour the mixture into a freezer-safe container and freeze. Every 30 minutes, stir the mixture vigorously with a fork to break up ice crystals, repeating this process for about 3-4 hours or until the ice cream is firm. Please also check out our post – Homemade Ice Cream: Without an Ice Cream Maker – to learn more.
  • Transfer the churned custard ice cream to a freezer-safe container. Spoon dollops of the rhubarb swirl over the custard ice cream and gently swirl it with a knife or spoon to create a marbled effect.
  • Cover the container and freeze the ice cream for at least 4-6 hours or until firm.
  • Serve the Rhubarb Swirl Custard Ice Cream in cones or bowls, and enjoy the delightful combination of creamy custard and tangy rhubarb! You can even top it with some crushed rhubarb and Custard sweets to really add that taste of nostalgia.

This recipe should give you a delicious Rhubarb Swirl Custard Ice Cream with the perfect balance of flavours.

Homemade Rhubarb And Custard Ice Cream Recipe image 5 baking dish of roasted rhubarb frosted fusionsNote: **Roasting the rhubarb before incorporating it into the ice cream serves a few purposes. Firstly, roasting helps to intensify the flavour of the rhubarb by caramelising its natural sugars, resulting in a richer and more complex taste. Secondly, roasting helps to soften the rhubarb, making it easier to puree into a smooth texture that can be swirled into the custard ice cream. Lastly, roasting also helps to remove excess moisture from the rhubarb, preventing it from making the ice cream too watery or icy once frozen. Overall, roasting enhances the flavour, texture, and consistency of the rhubarb swirl in the ice cream.

Toppings and Add-Ons: Elevate Your Rhubarb and Custard Ice Cream

Here are some toppings and add-on flavours that would pair well with your rhubarb and custard ice cream:

  1. Crumbled shortbread or digestive biscuits for added texture and buttery sweetness.
  2. Fresh strawberries or raspberries for a burst of fruity flavour that complements the tartness of the rhubarb.
  3. Toasted almond slices or chopped pistachios for a nutty crunch.
  4. A drizzle of honey or maple syrup for extra sweetness and depth of flavour.
  5. Whipped cream or vanilla whipped cream for a creamy addition.
  6. Crushed meringue for a touch of sweetness and lightness.
  7. Dark chocolate shavings or cocoa nibs for a rich and indulgent contrast.
  8. A sprinkle of cinnamon or ginger for warm and spicy notes.
  9. Candied ginger or orange peel for a zesty kick.
  10. A splash of rhubarb liqueur or raspberry liqueur for an extra boozy twist.

Homemade-Rhubarb-And-Custard-Ice-Cream-Recipe-image-12-bowls-of-rhubarb-and-custard-ice-cream-with-stalk-of-rhubarb-in-ice-cream-and-rhubarb-in-background-frosted-fusionsThese toppings and add-ons will enhance the flavour and texture of your rhubarb and custard ice cream, providing extra textural and flavour sensations.

Try experimenting with different combinations to find your favourite!

We hope that you have enjoyed our article – Homemade Rhubarb And Custard Ice Cream Recipe, and we hope it has evoked a childhood memory or two with the familiar flavours.

If you have any questions, please do drop us a comment below and we’ll happily get back to you, and of course, it goes without saying that we would love to hear how you get on with making this recipe.

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  1. I was the only one of us kids that liked Rhubarb growing up. When I was missing Mom could usually find me with a small cup of sugar hidden behind the shed eating freshly picked Rhubarb and dipping it into my cup of sugar.

    This ice cream recipe will be one I want to attempt to make, I am a chef and have never made homemade ice cream. 

    I have been watching America’s Worst Cooks and ice cream is one of the things they make that I have been wanting to attempt at home. While one would not think you could get cooking ideas from America’s Worst cooks, I found the chef’s recipes were wonderful, but hard to replicate as they leave off some steps. 

    With your creative recipe and easy-to-follow instructions, I can see my dream coming true now! 

    Thanks, Stacie

    • Hey Stacie,

      Many thanks for your comment and for taking the time to share your experience with Rhubarb. Haha, a cup of sugar and fresh stalks of rhubarb, that feels ever so familiar!

      Glad that you like the sound of our recipe and intend to try it out, that’s what we love to hear. Inspiring others to try our recipes. And as a chef yourself, hopefully you’ll have most of the equipment to hand and greater awareness of the methods required. That said, we hope that our step-by-step- instructions are clear for all to replicate and create delicious homemade ice creams.

      If you’re looking for a curious, yet rather delicious flavour fusions – checkout our Bacon & Maple Syrup Recipe, it’s an incredibly good combination;- 

      A Savoury-Sweet Homemade Bacon and Maple Syrup Ice Cream – Frosted Fusions

      We have plenty of hints and tips on our website in case you get stuck (a couple of articles listed below), or if you have any questions, please do ask away.

      Learn To Make Homemade Ice Cream – A Beginners Guide – Frosted Fusions

      How to make Delicious, Indulgent, Homemade Ice Cream – Frosted Fusions

      Re America’s Worst Cooks, I’m UK-based and have never heard that, it seems like a funny programme to run. I will now be on the lookout for this. I am an avid Kitchen Nightmares watcher, so I imagine it will be of a similar ilk.

      We would love to hear how you get on with making your first Ice Cream. 

      Thanks again for dropping by.

      All the best

      Cherie :o)

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