All About Ice Cream

Dive into the World of Ice Cream: A Delicious Journey through History, Flavours, and Fun Facts. Discover the Sweet Secrets of Frozen Treats at Frosted Fusions!

All About Ice Cream, Ice Creams, Make your own, Recipes & Methods

Learn To Make Homemade Ice Cream – A Beginners Guide

Learn the joy of crafting delicious homemade ice cream with our beginner-friendly, easy-to-follow guide. You can master the art of making homemade ice cream treats! Who doesn’t love a scoop of velvety, indulgent ice cream? It’s a universal treat, cherished across cultures and generations. But have you ever considered crafting your own? Homemade ice cream […]

All About Ice Cream, Healthier Options, Make your own, Recipes & Methods

Baby’s First Scoop: Nourishing Ice Cream Recipes For Tiny Taste Buds

Discover nourishing ice cream recipes designed for tiny taste buds with ‘Baby’s First Scoop.’ Treat your little one to wholesome goodness. I have a gorgeous 5-month-old niece (naturally she takes after her aunty in both gorgeousness and brains, lol) and today her mummy introduced her to ice cream, just a little to see how she’d […]

All About Ice Cream, Ice Creams, Recipes & Methods

Move over Mr Musk, Ice Cream is The Next Big Thing!

Artisanal ice cream is big business with substantial growth expected over the coming years. Explore the global market’s sweet success story about handcrafted, healthy delights. THE SCOOP; Ice cream, once a humble summer treat, has turned into a billion-dollar industry! Ice cream used to be an affordable dessert that made our childhood summers a little […]

All About Ice Cream, Ice Creams, Make your own, Recipes & Methods, Seasonal

A Guide to Seasonal Ice Cream Flavours: What’s Hot This Autumn

Discover Autumn ice cream flavours in our guide. From pumpkin spice to apple pie, indulge in the tastes of the season! As Autumn arrives in the UK, we say goodbye to the warmth of Summer, well, the promise of the warmth of Summer and welcome the gorgeous colours of Autumn. Despite the change in weather, […]

The Art and Science of Blending Alcohol with Ice Cream featured image 200x600w several popular bottles of alcohol lined up frosted fusions
Alcohol Infused, All About Ice Cream, Ice Creams, Make your own, Recipes & Methods

The Art and Science of Blending Alcohol with Ice Cream

Learn about the intriguing fusion of alcohol and ice cream. Learn about the art and science of blending the two in our article and understand the perfect pairing methods. We love every aspect of ice cream – The flavours, the textures, and the resulting delicious fruits of our labours. What we love the most about […]

All About Ice Cream, Alternative Diets, Healthier Options, Recipes & Methods

Dairy Free vs Lactose Free: What is the Difference?

Dairy Free vs Lactose-Free: Learn about the crucial distinctions and choose the right path to a healthier lifestyle. Our dietary world is ever-changing, with increasing levels of intolerance and alternative dietary choices being made in the pursuit of healthier lifestyles. Understanding the difference between “Dairy-Free” and “Lactose-Free” is more important than ever. Whether you’re exploring […]