
Homemade Dairy-Free & Lactose-Free Ice Cream Recipes

Savour the goodness of Homemade Dairy-Free & Lactose-Free Ice Cream – a treat for lactose-intolerant taste buds!

Our diets today are affected by more intolerances and dietary choices than ever before. Among the various dietary preferences, dairy-free and lactose-free diets have gained significant attention.

Whether you’re lactose intolerant, have a dairy allergy, or simply choose to abstain from dairy for health or ethical reasons, one thing remains constant: the love for ice cream. Fortunately, the good news is, you don’t have to miss out on this frozen treat.

In this article, we’ll discuss the concepts of dairy-free and lactose-free and the differences between the two.

We’ll offer information on alternative options and of course, we’ll show you how you can make your own delicious homemade ice cream, in both dairy-free and lactose-free versions, enabling you to create and indulge in a creamy and refreshing treat that’s udderly delicious!

If you’d prefer to go straight to our recipes, please click on the links provided, or read along to find out more.
Jump to Dairy-Free Ice Cream Recipe
Jump to Lactose-Free Ice Cream Recipe

Creaminess without Compromise

Delicious Homemade Dairy-Free & Lactose-Free Ice Cream image 3 glass dish of pink ice cream with glass of cashews and fresh berries scattered frosted fusionsWhen it comes to ice cream, many believe that creamy texture and dairy are inseparable. It wouldn’t be called ice CREAM if it didn’t contain cream, a derivative of milk, right?

We’re here to challenge that belief.

We’ll show you how to achieve that beloved creaminess without compromise, using alternative ingredients that not only mimic the texture but in some instances also enhance the flavour.

So, whether you’re lactose intolerant, vegan, or simply curious about dairy-free options, keep reading.

The Creamy Delight of Dairy-Free Ice Cream

When it comes to dairy-free ice cream, you might be surprised at just how creamy and satisfying it can be without a drop of traditional milk and or cream.

Delicious Homemade Dairy-Free & Lactose-Free Ice Cream image 4 half a coconut shell holding a scoop of chocolate ice cream with spoon frosted fusionsDairy-free options use plant-based alternatives like coconut milk, almond milk, or cashew milk to create that luscious, creamy texture, and in some instances, the use of alternative milk can deliver an even better result.

Please see our post – A Delectably Classic Cherry Bakewell Homemade Ice Cream – where you’ll read that the use of Almond Milk in our recipe actually enhanced the Bakewell flavour in our homemade cherry bakewell ice cream.

Whether you’re lactose intolerant, vegan, or simply looking to explore new frozen delights, dairy-free ice cream offers a wide array of flavours and textures that cater to various dietary preferences.

Dairy-free ice cream offers deliciousness, that’s indulgent and compassionate.

Lactose-Free Ice Cream: Enjoying Dairy Without the Discomfort

If you’re among those who can handle dairy but not its lactose component, lactose-free ice cream provides the perfect solution.

Delicious Homemade Dairy-Free & Lactose-Free Ice Cream image 5 person holding tummy with other hand held up to a glass of lactose filled milk frosted fusionsCrafted with care to remove or break down lactose, this ice cream allows you to savour the rich, milky goodness without digestive discomfort.

It’s a fantastic choice for individuals with lactose intolerance who want to enjoy classic ice cream flavours without compromise. From classic vanilla to inventive creations, lactose-free ice cream brings dairy joy back into your life.

These two ice cream variations open up a world of flavours and possibilities, ensuring that everyone can savour delicious frozen treats without sacrificing taste or well-being.

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Summary of Dairy-Free and Lactose-Free

Dairy-Free Ice Cream:

  • Dairy-free ice cream eliminates all dairy products, making it suitable for vegans and those with dairy allergies.
  • It often relies on plant-based milk alternatives like almond, coconut, or soy for its creamy base.
  • Dairy-free ice cream can be just as creamy and flavourful as traditional ice cream.

Lactose-Free Ice Cream:

  • Lactose-free ice cream is specifically designed for those with lactose intolerance.
  • It uses lactase enzymes to break down lactose, the sugar found in dairy, into more easily digestible sugars.
  • Lactose-free ice cream often contains dairy but is processed to remove or break down the lactose.

For an in-depth explanation of the differences between these two options and to understand which one suits your dietary preferences best, please check out our article – Dairy Free vs Lactose Free: What’s the Difference?

Dairy-Free Ice Cream: Creamy Treats, Without the Moo

Dairy-free ice cream has revolutionised the frozen dessert scene by offering a delicious and conscious friendly alternative to traditional dairy-based treats.

One of the key factors contributing to the creamy texture and rich flavour of dairy-free ice cream is the use of various plant-based milk alternatives. These alternatives provide creaminess without the need for cow’s milk.

Plant-Based Milk Alternatives: The Creaminess Factor

  1. Delicious Homemade Dairy-Free & Lactose-Free Ice Cream image 2 dish of pink ice cream with half a coconut and fresh berries scattered frosted fusionsCoconut Milk: Coconut milk is extracted from the meat of mature coconuts. Its high-fat content makes it an ideal base, creating a velvety texture and a hint of tropical flavour. Whether it’s classic coconut, toasted coconut, or even coconut chocolate chip, this milk alternative plays a leading role in dairy-free ice cream recipes.
  2. Almond Milk: Almond milk is a popular choice for its mild, slightly nutty flavour. It’s lower in fat compared to coconut milk but still adds a smooth and creamy consistency. Almond milk-based ice creams often work well with fruit-based flavours like berry sorbet or almond fudge.
  3. Cashew Milk: Cashew milk provides a rich, indulgent creaminess that’s perfect for crafting luxurious dairy-free ice creams. Its neutral flavour allows the ingredients’ natural tastes to shine, making it a versatile option. Cashew milk ice cream pairs wonderfully with a wide range of flavours, from classic vanilla to innovative options like salted caramel or pistachio.

Versatility and Flavour Explosion

What sets dairy-free ice cream apart is its versatility in flavour profiles. From traditional favourites to daring and exotic creations, the options are endless. Think creamy matcha green tea, tangy raspberry ripple, or indulgent peanut butter chocolate swirl—all dairy-free and all incredibly delicious.

If you’re feeling adventurous and want to make your own dairy-free ice cream at home, there are countless recipes you can try. Homemade dairy-free ice cream allows you to control the ingredients and experiment with flavours.

Dairy-free ice cream caters to individuals with lactose intolerance, vegans, and anyone seeking a delicious dairy-free frozen dessert.

Lactose-Free Ice Cream: A Solution for Lactose Intolerance

Delicious Homemade Dairy-Free & Lactose-Free Ice Cream image 6 bottle os fmilk with lactose free sign and a selection of nuts scattered frosted fusionsLactose-free ice cream is the saviour for those with lactose intolerance—a condition where the body lacks enough of the enzyme lactase to digest lactose, the natural sugar found in milk.

The lactose-free milk is made by removing or breaking down lactose, making it suitable for those who would otherwise suffer from digestive discomfort.

The Lactose Removal Process

Creating lactose-free ice cream involves two primary methods:

  1. Enzymatic Breakdown: In this method, lactase enzymes are added to regular dairy milk before churning it into ice cream. These enzymes break down lactose into its simpler forms, glucose and galactose, which are easier to digest. The result is a lactose-free ice cream that retains the classic dairy taste and texture.
  2. Plant-Based Milk: Another approach is to use plant-based milk alternatives like almond, soy, coconut, or oat milk as the base for lactose-free ice cream. These milk alternatives naturally contain no lactose, making them an excellent choice for individuals with lactose intolerance.

Taste and Texture: Lactose-Free Ice Cream at its Best

Lactose-free ice cream is designed to mimic the taste and texture of traditional dairy ice cream, and it does so remarkably well.

The removal or breakdown of lactose doesn’t compromise the creamy mouthfeel or flavour. In fact, many people find that lactose-free ice cream is indistinguishable from its dairy-based counterpart.

Homemade Delights:

For homemade lactose-free ice cream, using lactose-free milk or lactose-free milk alternatives as your base is key.

This allows you to explore an array of creative flavours. Try using almond milk for a nutty profile, coconut milk for a tropical twist, or oat milk for a neutral base that lets other ingredients shine.

Innovative Lactose-Free Flavours:

Lactose-free ice cream isn’t limited to traditional flavours. You can find innovative options like:

  1. Dairy-Free Pistachio: Creamy pistachio-flavoured ice cream made with lactose-free ingredients.
  2. Mint Chocolate Chip: A refreshing minty treat studded with lactose-free chocolate chips.
  3. Salted Caramel: Velvety caramel ice cream with a hint of sea salt for the perfect balance of sweet and savoury.

Lactose-free ice cream opens up a world of frozen dessert possibilities for those with lactose intolerance.

It’s a testament to culinary innovation and the commitment to providing enjoyable treats to everyone, regardless of dietary restrictions.

Making Your Own Dairy-Free and Lactose-Free Ice Cream

Now that we fully understand the differences and methods used in each option, let’s create our own Dairy-free & Lactose-free Homemade Ice Creams

Dairy-Free Ice Cream Recipe

Delicious Homemade Dairy-Free & Lactose-Free Ice Cream image 7 scoops of delicious vanilla ice cream in white dish frosted fusionsIngredients:

  • 2 cans (800ml) of full-fat coconut milk or 1 litre of any plant-based milk (almond, cashew, soy, oat, etc.)
  • 200g of your preferred natural sweetener (e.g., cane sugar, maple syrup, agave nectar)
  • 15ml of vanilla extract (2 tsp)
  • A pinch of salt


  • In a mixing bowl, combine the plant-based milk, sweetener of choice, vanilla extract, and a pinch of salt.
  • Mix until the sweetener is fully dissolved.
  • Pour the mixture into an ice cream maker and churn according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
    • NB: If you don’t have an ice cream maker, you can still make this recipe. Pour the mixture into a freezer-safe container and freeze. Every 30 minutes, stir the mixture vigorously with a fork to break up ice crystals, repeating this process for about 3-4 hours or until the ice cream is firm. Please also check out our post – Homemade Ice Cream: Without an Ice Cream Maker to learn more.
  • Once churned, transfer the ice cream to an airtight container and freeze it for a few hours to firm up.

Variations and Flavour Suggestions:

  • Chocolate Delight: Add 50g of cocoa powder to the base mixture before churning.
  • Berry Burst: Fold in fresh or frozen berries (like strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries) during the last few minutes of churning.
  • Nutty Sensation: Mix in 50g of chopped nuts (e.g., almonds, walnuts, or pistachios) or swirl in some almond butter or peanut butter.
  • Minty Fresh: Add mint extract and a handful of chocolate chips for a refreshing twist.
  • Cookie Crumble: Crush dairy-free cookies (like Oreos) and sprinkle them into the churned ice cream.

Hints and Tips:

      • Opt for unsweetened plant-based milk if you prefer to control the sweetness.
      • Adjust the sweetener to taste, keeping in mind that the sweetness will mellow after freezing.
      • Experiment with different flavours, extracts, and mix-ins to create your own signature dairy-free ice cream.

Lactose-Free Ice Cream Recipe

Variations and Flavour Suggestions:

      • Caramel Swirl: Drizzle in some homemade lactose-free caramel sauce while churning.
      • Fruit Fusion: Blend ripe fruits (like bananas, peaches, or strawberries) with the base mixture before churning.
      • Nutty Joy: Fold in 50g of toasted lactose-free nuts (like pecans or hazelnuts) for extra crunch.
      • Spice It Up: Add ground cinnamon or nutmeg to the base mixture for a warm, comforting flavour.

Hints and Tips:

      • Ensure you choose a lactose-free milk alternative if you have lactose intolerance.
      • Adjust the sweetener to your preferred level of sweetness.
      • Experiment with various mix-ins and flavourings to create personalised lactose-free ice cream sensations.

Savouring the Freedom of Dairy-Free and Lactose-Free Ice Cream

With many diverse dietary needs, we’re fortunate to have ice cream options that cater to all. Whether you choose dairy-free, have lactose intolerance, or prefer plant-based alternatives, there’s a scoop of ice cream just for you.

Delicious Homemade Dairy-Free & Lactose-Free Ice Cream image 8 row of several bottles of alternative milks frosted fusions

It’s only right that Ice Cream should be available to all and with these wonderful alternative ingredients and methods, everyone can savour the frozen treat that is Homemade Ice Cream.

For a deeper explanation of the distinctions between these two options, don’t forget to check out our previous post – Dairy-Free vs Lactose-Free: What’s the Difference?

We hope that you have enjoyed our article, learning about Dairy-Free & Lactose-Free Homemade Ice Cream and we especially hope that we’ve inspired you to give our recipes a go yourself.

Please feel free to drop us a comment below if you have any questions and we would love to hear from you about your experience with dairy-free and lactose-free ice creams.

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  1. I absolutely loved your blog post on homemade dairy-free, lactose-free ice cream! Your recipes are not only delicious-sounding but also accommodating for those with dietary restrictions. Have you experimented with alternative sweeteners like agave or maple syrup? I find they can add unique flavors to dairy-free treats. Also, do you have any favorite flavor combinations that you’d recommend trying first?

    Your step-by-step instructions and tips for achieving a creamy texture without dairy are so helpful. I’ve tried making non-dairy ice cream before, but it often turned out icy. Your suggestion of using full-fat coconut milk is intriguing. How does it affect the overall taste and texture? Thanks for sharing your expertise in creating these delightful frozen treats!

    • Hey Pasindu,

      Thanks for your comment, really glad you appreciated the blog post on our Homemade Dairy-free & Lactose-free Ice Cream. Our hope is that those who have dietary restrictions can find ways of adapting the recipes and still enjoy ice cream. Everyone should be able to enjoy Ice Cream!

      Yes, in regards to your question about agave or maple syrup, we have written an article about the use of alternative sweeteners, check it out – Balancing Flavour & Health: Natural Sweeteners in your Homemade Ice Cream – where we delve into the alternative options nature has gifted us and explain how they can bring a new layer of flavour to your homemade ice cream along with natural sweetness.

      With all our recipes, we aim to promote, healthy and delicious and believe that we can attain both.

      Coconut milk is a great alternative as it is so very creamy and enhances any homemade ice cream, however, like maple syrup it can have its own very strong flavour profile too so some experimentation is required to strike the right balance.

      I love that you have tried making your own homemade ice creams, and hope that our article will have provided you with some helpful tips to master your next batch.

      I have very many favourite flavours and all for varying reasons. My top favourite flavours are the unexpected flavour combinations. The ones that you don’t think will work, but somehow do. Like our Bacon and Maple Syrup Ice Cream, or our Homemade Beetroot Ice Cream. These two flavour combinations surprise me every time I  make them with how good they are!

      Thanks for dropping by Pasindu and thanks for your positivity.

      All the very best

      Cherie :o)

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