
From Scoop To Roll: Learn To Create Your Own Homemade Ice Cream Rolls

Discover the fun of learning how to make Homemade Ice Cream Rolls! Elevate your dessert experience with this trendy and delicious twist on your favourite frozen treats.

You’ve likely witnessed the mesmerising swirls of ice cream rolls being made at shopping malls and department stores. What started as a novelty has become a widespread sensation, with ice cream roll businesses popping up everywhere.

These artisans wield spatulas with finesse, expertly transforming liquid ice cream into delicate rolls of frozen goodness. With each swirl and flip and their creativity, they delight customers with personalised flavour combinations and eye-catching presentations.

Pan n Ice has brought Ice Cream rolls to our attention, but they are not the first ones to have created these, they just so happen to have marketed the concept very well.

But what’s the scoop behind this cool trend? Join us as we dive into the history of ice cream rolls, spill the secrets of the mesmerising rolling method, and serve up some delicious recipes with step-by-step guides.

If you’d prefer to go straight to the recipes, please click either of the following links:

Jump to Oreo Cookies Ice Cream Rolls Recipe
Jump to Strawberry Ice Cream Rolls Recipe

Scoop and Roll

From Scoop To Roll Learn To Create Your Own Homemade Ice Cream Rolls image 6 mini ice cream roll maker with 2 spatulas frosted fusionsIce Cream rolls are exactly as it says on the label – rolls of delicious scoops of ice cream, often prepared to order, so you get to enjoy the spectacle of watching them being created before diving in to enjoy eating them.

It’s a very simple process – when making ice cream rolls, a liquid ice cream base is poured onto a super cold surface, often a frozen pan or plate. As the liquid ice cream freezes, it starts to solidify at the edges. The “scooping” part involves using a spatula or similar tool to scrape and roll the partially frozen ice cream into rolls.

Rolling Through History: The Sweet Origins of Ice Cream Rolls

Ice cream rolls have their roots in Southeast Asia, particularly Thailand. This ingenious frozen treat gained popularity in Thai street markets, where vendors would pour a liquid ice cream mixture onto a cold plate, stir and chop in various ingredients like fruits or candies, and then spread and roll the mixture into thin, delicate rolls.

The process involves a unique combination of culinary artistry and a touch of theatrics, making it a visually appealing and delicious experience. Over time, the concept has spread to different parts of the world, thanks to its novel preparation method and endless possibilities for flavour combinations.

This brief video shows you the process of making Ice Cream Rolls

From Scoop To Roll: Learn To Create Your Own Homemade Ice Cream Rolls

I recently purchased some ice cream rolls for my little one in a shopping centre and it set me back £6.50 for 4 ice cream rolls. I guess they were generously sized, but I believe the cost of a splash of milk and cream, 2 Oreo cookies and approximately 3 minutes of the vendor’s time is minimal compared to the £6.50 I was charged.

From Scoop To Roll Learn To Create Your Own Homemade Ice Cream Rolls image 2 four ice cream rolls placed in a cup frosted fusionsSo I thought with this new, yet not new trend, I could share with you some hints and tips on how you can make these delicious treats yourself at home.

With a small investment to purchase an ice cream roll maker, you can create these quick and easy ice cream rolls at home, the kids will love the process and you could save yourself a small fortune buying them for the kids lol.

We’ll also show you a method for making these without any specialised equipment, well perhaps a spatula to scrape and roll the ice cream into the rolls.

Get ready to roll up your sleeves and your ice cream!

Make Your Own Ice Cream Rolls

We’ve listed below two favourite recipes of ours;

Oreo Cookies Ice Cream Rolls Recipe


  • 100ml double cream
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 4 Oreo cookies, crushed


  1. In a large mixing bowl, whip the double cream until stiff peaks form.
  2. Gently fold in the vanilla extract until well combined.
  3. Add the crushed Oreo cookies to the mixture and fold until evenly distributed.
  4. Preheat your ice cream roll maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions. (If you don’t own an ice cream maker, check out our method below).
  5. Pour the mixture onto the cold plate of the ice cream roll maker and spread it out evenly.
  6. Use the provided spatulas to roll the ice cream mixture into tight rolls.
  7. Once rolled, transfer the ice cream rolls to serving dishes or cones.
  8. Serve immediately and enjoy your delicious Oreo Cookies Ice Cream Rolls!

Strawberry Ice Cream Rolls Recipe

From Scoop To Roll Learn To Create Your Own Homemade Ice Cream Rolls image 4 handful of fresh strawberries white background frosted fusionsIngredients:

  • 300g fresh strawberries, hulled and diced
  • 300ml double cream
  • 200ml condensed milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 tablespoons icing sugar (optional, depending on the sweetness of the strawberries)


  1. In a blender or food processor, puree the diced strawberries until smooth. If desired, strain the puree to remove the seeds.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, whip the double cream until stiff peaks form.
  3. Gently fold in the vanilla extract, and icing sugar (if using) until well combined.
  4. Add the strawberry puree to the mixture and fold until evenly distributed.
  5. Preheat your ice cream roll maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  6. Pour the mixture onto the cold plate of the ice cream roll maker and spread it out evenly.
  7. Use the provided spatulas to roll the ice cream mixture into tight rolls.
  8. Once rolled, transfer the ice cream rolls to serving dishes or cones.
  9. Serve immediately and enjoy the refreshing Strawberry Ice Cream Rolls!

These are just two recipe ideas that we have suggested, mainly because they are our favourites, but there are endless other ingredients that you could try.

Rolling in More Flavours: Additional Ingredients for Your Ice Cream Rolls.

Here are some alternative fruits and ingredients that you can use to make your Ice Cream Rolls:

  1. Mango: Puree ripe mangoes and fold into the ice cream mixture for a tropical twist.
  2. Raspberry: Add mashed raspberries or raspberry puree to create a vibrant and tangy flavour.
  3. Blueberry: Fold in mashed blueberries or blueberry puree for a burst of sweetness and colour.
  4. Peach: Use pureed peaches to infuse the ice cream with a delicate peach flavour.
  5. Banana: Mash ripe bananas and mix into the ice cream base for a creamy and naturally sweet addition.
  6. Pineapple: Puree fresh pineapple or use canned pineapple chunks for a refreshing tropical taste.
  7. Chocolate Chips: Fold in chocolate chips or chunks for added texture and richness.
  8. Nutella: Swirl Nutella into the ice cream mixture for a decadent chocolate-hazelnut flavour.
  9. Cookie Dough: Add chunks of cookie dough to create a fun and indulgent treat.
  10. Pistachios: Crushed pistachios can provide a crunchy texture and nutty flavour to the ice cream rolls.
  11. Coconut: Incorporate shredded coconut or coconut milk for a creamy and exotic twist.
  12. Matcha: Mix in matcha powder for a unique and earthy green tea flavour.

These ingredients can be used individually or combined to create endless variations of Ice Cream Rolls. Experiment with different flavours to find your favourites!

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===> Click here to see a selection of Ice Cream Roll Makers

Don’t Have an Ice Cream Roll Maker? No Problem, Let’s Roll with It…

Let us take you through an easy method for making Ice Cream Rolls at Home without an ice cream roll maker. We’ll show you how you can make these delicious ice cream treats with just a shallow baking tray and a spatula.

Oreo Cookies Ice Cream Rolls

Ingredients: You can use the same recipe as shown above.

From Scoop To Roll Learn To Create Your Own Homemade Ice Cream Rolls image 8 shallow baking tray frosted fusionsMethod:

  1. In a large mixing bowl, whip the double cream until stiff peaks form.
  2. Gently fold in the vanilla extract until well combined.
  3. Add the crushed Oreo cookies to the mixture and fold until evenly distributed.
  4. Pour the mixture onto a baking tray spreading it out into an even, thin layer.
  5. Place the tray in the freezer for at least 4 hours or until the ice cream is firm.
  6. Once the ice cream is firm, use a spatula to roll it into tight rolls.
  7. Serve immediately and enjoy the delicious Oreo Cookies Ice Cream Rolls!

Strawberry Ice Cream Rolls

Ingredients: You can use the same recipe as shown above.


  1. In a blender or food processor, puree the diced strawberries until smooth. If desired, strain the puree to remove the seeds.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, whip the double cream until stiff peaks form.
  3. Gently fold in the vanilla extract, and icing sugar (if using) until well combined.
  4. Add the strawberry puree to the mixture and fold until evenly distributed.
  5. Pour the mixture onto a baking tray, spreading it out into an even, thin layer.
  6. Place the tray in the freezer for at least 4 hours or until the ice cream is firm.
  7. Once the ice cream is firm, use a spatula to roll it into tight rolls.
  8. Serve immediately and enjoy the refreshing Strawberry Ice Cream Rolls!

These are a fun and delicious way of enjoying ice cream, in yet another format. Kids love these ice cream rolls and it’s also a great way to get them involved in creating their own and engaging them in the kitchen.

From-Scoop-To-Roll-Learn-To-Create-Your-Own-Homemade-Ice-Cream-Rolls-image-12-book-by-Krystle-Phillips-The-Rolled-Ice-Cream-Handbook-frosted-fusionsIf you want to learn more about Rolled Ice Cream, check out “The Rolled Ice Cream Handbook: Secrets to Having a Successful Rolled Ice Cream Business” by Krystle Phillips, a leader in the rolled ice cream industry, for expert tips and insights!

See our article – Fun Ice Cream Recipes for Kids: Getting Children Involved in the Kitchen – Frosted Fusions – which details the fun and education we can give our kids by involving them with baking and making delicious ice cream treats at home.

We do hope that you have enjoyed our article providing hints and tips on how to make your own Homemade Ice Cream Rolls.

From-Scoop-To-Roll-Learn-To-Create-Your-Own-Homemade-Ice-Cream-Rolls-image-11-pots-of-various-different-flavoured-ice-cream-rolls-with-fresh-fruit-and-choc-chip-toppings-frosted-fusionsIf you have any questions, please feel free to drop us a comment below and of course, we would love to hear from you on your experience of making these yourself.

Stay connected for endless homemade ice cream inspiration! Join us for mouthwatering recipes, expert tips, and exclusive updates. Follow us on Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, and X by clicking on any of the social media icons below.

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  1. Cherie, this is a beautiful post! You are you throughout: I feel I know you as I read. It is so natural and intriguing. 

    I’m 100% in sympathy with you about additives. I go out of my way to completely avoid them by growing organic vegetables and fruit. And I must start making my own ice cream again, which I used to. I’ve been moving around a lot for the last few years, so I haven’t settled back into making it yet. But coming upon your timely piece has inspired me. I will get started and am dying to try some of your recipes.

    I view ice cream as my favourite evening treat! I suffer from hypothyroidism, so I tend to get very hot around the throat, and ice cream soothes this discomfort!  Love it.

    Cherie, this is an excellent read. Coupled with your ice cream passion is your other passion—WA. This is a great way to promote it. They’re my two passions, too.

    Blessings and Success.


    • Hey Linden,

      What a lovely comment to read and may I say, incredibly encouraging! Thank you for taking the time to share such positive feedback. It is truly appreciated.

      I do my utmost to share my love and passion for ice cream in every post, to share my personal experiences, hints, and tips where I can, and to enable anyone, everyone to learn to make and enjoy Ice cream in a healthy and fun way and so to receive your positive feedback, that you feel you are connecting with me as you read is so rewarding! Thank you.

      Yes, the dreaded additives! They are in all our foods, so like you, I do my utmost to avoid them and I also grow my own veggies and fruits (when the weather in the UK permits). I also try to use natural sweeteners, as again our foods are laden with sugars these days. Our article – Balancing Flavour and Health: Natural Sweeteners and Homemade Ice Cream – Frosted Fusions – provides information on alternative natural sweeteners to use.

      I also have a great desire to source foods that are healing, given to us by nature. Have you heard of Nature’s Pharmacy? It’s a concept that links foods that look like our body parts that are good for such body parts. It is fascinating, my article – How To Make The Perfect Smoothie! – Frosted Fusions – touches on it briefly and summarises some said foods. It’s like nature is telling us directly what things to eat to aid our ailments.

      For your Hypothyroidism, Iodine-rich foods are a must (fish, seaweed, shellfish, yoghurt, milk, cheese, eggs, and an absolute must is naturally sweetened, delicious Homemade Ice Cream! lol).

      I have a friend who has Diabetes and I have worked on finding natural sweeteners to incorporate into the ice creams I make so that she can also enjoy them, but as a general, it helps to use these natural ingredients anyway to try and avoid too many sugars.

      I think having Ice cream to soothe your throat is an excellent idea! 🍦😋

      Thank you again for your encouraging feedback.

      Wishing you all the best!

      Cherie :o)

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